Photo taken with my hand held device AKA blackberry which is why the quality sucks, but you get the idea, it is pretty intense.
So intense that I decided to not stick around... also because the neighbors were there and looked both pissed off and in shock. And again, since I am not a complete insensitive bitch, I really didn't want to crow in front of them. Let's not add pain to injury, although with the amount of grief they've caused us, it would have been well deserved... but I am a nice person so I won't go that route.
Funny thing though... which confirms the fact that these people are COMPLETELY demented... When an excavator starts to eat away at a house, you really, REALLY, want to stay away as much as you can. It wouldn't come to my mind to, let's say, use the back door to get into my house. Using the back door implies walking in between the two houses (one being shaken like a house of cards) and you would have to be either nuts or foolhardy to want to do that. Well, listen to this, #1 shows up to the house next to ours (where her mom, the old lady lives) while the demolition was happening and asked us if she could use the back door... Are you fucking insane??? for real? Seriously, you want to go in from the back door??? For god's sake, what's going on inside your head??? Is there anybody in there??? Obviously, we advised her that it really wasn't the best idea and that she should use the front door for the time being. A few minutes later, what do we see (or rather who do we see?)? #2 walking in between the two houses to get back to her car, kind of like "Look what I can do"... OMFG! I am speechless witnessing so much idiocy/dementia. It is beyond foolish, it's suicidal. A brick or a whole piece of a house could fall on your head you dumbass and then what????? Jesus Christ, why take so much risk to make a point??!!
Anyhow, I think that once the house is gone, maybe they'll feel better, a page is being turned, maybe we can all move on and look forward to the birth of a new beautiful home (of course, it is modern so they might hate it... oh well, too bad).
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