Topic of today's blog is: interdiction to park my car onto my own property, on the parking pad that's located in the front of my future house... because a handful of people
- Us: "so if we can't park on our front parking pad (that, I forgot to mention existed when we bought the house from the previous owners who had a parking license... but the parking license is void in case of new construction... but of course, that goes without saying O_o), where do you advise we park?"
- City employee: "well, you can park on B. st, that's the closest to you"
- Us: "
At this point, we thought a trip to the parking and licensing office was becoming a NECESSITY so we could better explain the ridiculousness and absurdity of the situation.
Funny thing about the Parking and Licensing office: there is no parking there... which should give you a hint. Don't be too hopeful: you might find a poor soul that will listen to your complaint but nobody will do anything about it. Forget getting your problem solved, not gonna happen.
Here we are barging in the office with our file, looking like responsible adults, and interacting very politely with the person in charge (although, at this point, we are ready to murder someone). The employee is very very understanding (I'll give him that) and tells us he totally gets it, he will talk to his boss and will follow up with us. OK, that's not bad we thought, we can have hope, maybe they will give us a break... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Who are we kidding??? A couple of weeks later, the sentence falls "sorry but the bylaw is the bylaw and unless you manage to reverse it, (which basically is as easy as building your own rocket and flying to the moon and back successfully), you'll have to park at the back of your property or 5 blocks away from your house! And if you park on your front lawn, you will be likely to get a ticket"... Holy sh*it, a ticket??? Seriously??? Is this some kind of sick joke? Am I going to wake up now?
Quite frankly, at this point, I am pissed off. We have bought this property and we have to follow a ridiculous-absurd-unrealistic rule that was passed by complete morons who didn't even think about the consequences of their acts. I AM BEING TOLD WHAT NOT DO ON MY PROPERTY and wait, it is not like I am planning to build a nuclear facility on this piece of land, I just want to park my car on my pre-existent parking pad for God's sake!
I love this blog!!! Please invite me over when you do open the Veuve Cliquot.