Sunday, October 3, 2010

Absolutely DE-MEN-TED!!!!

It has been a few days since we have not heard from our "lovely" neighbors. This peaceful interlude has allowed me to lose myself in toilet world and I almost forgot about those shitheads idiots. But there is a say in French that goes "il faut se méfier de l'eau qui dort" which literally means "watch out for sleeping water" which of course doesn't translate that well in English. But in essence, what it means is "be careful when things are too quiet, something bad might be coming your way".

Well, I'll start with the funny anecdote of the week which involves #2 and her recent reconversion into a (old) cougar. 

While her husband is too busy trying to find new ways to break our balls even more, he's apparently been neglecting her so she is now flirting with the one of the workers. Way to go girl!!! Wait a minute... What??? Turns out that the object of her affection is our builder's son, C, who acts as a supervisor on the job site. Turns out also that she is 70 years old at least and he is about 24... So, let's see, that's 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9... a 46 year age gap!  

I have no word to describe this behavior. Actually, I have three words to describe it. What. The. Fuck. Who in their RIGHT state of mind would hit (well, most some men would but that's a different story) on a twenty year old while in their seventies??? Obviously, we have determined a long time ago that these people are absolutely fabulous demented but this is just the cherry on the cake. 

And frankly, she is not that type of cougar ...

But rather this type....

Anyways, it has been the big joke on the job site this week and, although we are all laughing about it, we are also wondering if we should buy the poor kid pepper spray and a whistle. And I have to say I am really tempted to ask her what the hell she thinks she is doing... Very very tempted, especially knowing the following.


We have heard yesterday from our truly-nice-neighbors (to the South of us), that the NFH (neighbors from hell) are now trying to convince them to team up and cause more problems for us on the job site. This could be amusing, but it is sad... So sad to find out that not only they have not given up but they are still out there trying to figure out ways to hurt us. 
Ugh! What terrible way to behave. As I said before, I can't help but wondering why they are so intensely obnoxious, especially now that the worst of the construction is done (demolition and excavation). My conclusion is that they are miserable people to start with and this situation has just accentuated their misery and has become an outlet for their frustration. And that means we have not seen the end of it either... unfortunately... (;_;)

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