Thursday, October 28, 2010

Some progress? I would never have guessed.

I can't really say that things are going very fast on the job site, which I visited today but they are sort of going so I am not going to complaint (too much). We have received several of the steel beams we were waiting for but not all of them so we are not going on full blast (if there is ever such a thing in the construction world) yet. The workers have built the first floor of the house and the nice thing about it is that we can now clearly see how big the ground floor is going to be.

Personally, I think it looks quite spacious. Our builder said that people are often disappointed when they see the actual size of the home compared to the floor plans. It is true that things always appear bigger on paper, and that's because our imagination is running wild and lets us believe that we are building Versailles while we are building something much much MUCH smaller, obviously. It is sometimes hard to figure out what a 8'6" long x 3'6" wide hallway at a 3/16" scale would end up looking like. So, the best to avoid disappointment is to physically measure and template what things would be like in real life. Things will always appear smaller, yes, but at least, it won't be as much of a shock. Now, the walls are not up yet and that will shrink the space a little more. Since, it still seems so much bigger than our current place that I really can't see how I would be disappointed (unless I was a fucking Princess). 

The only thing I am not so happy with is the pace things are progressing at. That worries me "slightly" especially since we have just listed our current house with an occupancy date at the end of March, which is pretty God damn soon. Also it is getting colder and colder every day so the sooner we get that roof on, the better for everyone.....................................

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