Monday, November 22, 2010

I met a good architect... miracles do happen... sometimes.

A few months ago, I met a friend for coffee. I was telling her about all the troubles we had with the construction and namely the architect. I could see she felt really bad. She said that, if I wanted, she could introduce me to this architect that she was dealing with on a regular basis and who supposedly was amazing and pleasant at the same time... Needless to say that my reaction was kind of like this: O_0... An amazing AND pleasant architect... really, that exists??? Are you sure??? O_0  

Sketch from the architect -slip joint/head deflector -
I mean, I can't hide the fact that I have admiration for many great architects: Mies van der Rohe, Santiago Calatrava, Paulo Mendes Da Rocha, Peter Zumthor, Rogers and Piano, Franck Ghery, Jean Nouvel, Franck Lloyd Right, Marcio Kogan, Herzog and de Meuron, Ieoh Ming Pei, Luis Barragan... but these architects are pretty much fucking geniuses, they have been or are extremely influential and if they were or are difficult, you would have to suck it up because they have an incredible amount of talent. The talent would make up for the craziness sort of. What bothers me is when THERE IS NOT much talent or no talent at all to make up for the craziness or for the lack of respect the architects will show towards their clients. And that's pretty much what I have been experiencing with architects to this day. So obviously, when someone wants to introduce me to an amazing and pleasant architect, I have the right to be skeptical to say the least. But I guess miracles DO happen and my friend was right, her architect is the real good surprise of 2010. 

First, our written communications were pleasant. I exposed the facts really briefly to him, told him I was looking for an architect to CONSULT on the project. Condition which had been rejected by many architects I had met/dealt with in the past (it is almost like you are insulting them if you ask them to be consultants. "What? A consultant, you must be mistaken, I don't do that kind of stuff".). They all wanted to be paid a minimum of 50k to manage the project and quite frankly, I don't think it makes sense or that it is worth it for that matter. To this condition, he said yes no problem. That was the first miracle.

Second, our in-person meetings have been helpful, cordial and attitude free, which had never been the case with previous architects. Their ego was sometimes so FAT that if I said the even tiniest thing in disagreement with them, they would get TOTALLY offended. And that's because they tend to forget WHO is the client. They thought they were the client. But they were wrong, I was the client. Being considered as such by this architect was the second miracle.

Third, he told me when I asked about how he wanted to go about working together that "just pretend I am a doctor, call me when something is wrong or seems wrong and I'll come and help". Again that's sensible advice, because most things can be ironed out with the builder and if they can't, then it makes sense to have someone you can call and trust. This man understands also that money doesn't fall from the sky and that unless he is needed, there is no point making us spend money that he really doesn't deserve. That was the third miracle. 

Lastly, he has provided me with very useful advice and has followed up a lot of his verbal advice with sketches of what needs to be done. He told me he drew them rapidly but they are extremely well drawn and helpful to the builder whose joke has been "Are you sure he is an architect? He seems too nice!!!". 

To make this long story short(er), I am glad I have met him, I know I can rely on him to help me out when things appear a little complicated and I know he is not going to charge me an arm and a leg for his work.

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