Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The jerk store called and they are running out of you.

Today, we were holding a meeting at the site. We were examining the steel beams and talking about eliminating the bolts at the top of the beams. At this point, our builder said: "that reminds me of one of the stupidest lines I have ever heard which came out of the mouth of one of your architects". Yes, I remember that line and for some unexplained reason I had forgotten to relay it in this blog, I am not sure why. It is so idiotic and ridiculous, it surely deserves its own post.

Evidently, it happened a while ago when we DID have an architect. So I am thinking it was some time last year, around this time of year. We were sitting in the architect's office looking at the plans. We kept on noticing these poles throughout the house, not very strategically positioned: one in the middle of the living room (really practical), one close to the entrance and one right next to the kitchen island, kind of to the side of it, about 6" away from it. Of course, we had learned by then that if we wanted to question the architect, we needed to sugar coat the "questioning" or he would just get offended. But this time, because this pole business had the "Idontgiveafuckaboutthisproject" attitude written all over it, I simply asked: "these posts... all over the place... what's up with that... I mean especially the one close to the kitchen island, it doesn't seem that practical, does it?". To my question, this is what the architect answered: "well, you could see these poles as punctuation, they could be like exclamation points"....................................................................................................



           What the fuck are you talking about???

Exclamation points? Really??? Is that all you've got? Some cheap "poetic" bullshit explanation for yet another fuck-up problem? Needless to say that we were not very impressed/happy with this answer. I told him that I wasn't feeling very poetic and that quite frankly, he had to start figuring out how to get rid of these fucking eyesores, we are not building a loft dude! (have you heard of I beams???). At this point, I lost both: respect and faith in this architect. But now that I look back on it, I think it makes for a really good anecdote and something else we can joke about on the job site, which is what we did today talking about those bolts. Maybe they could be punctuation, full stops perhaps?

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